Mole Removal Services
Moles, or nevi (singular: nevus), are the most common skin growth.

What Are Moles?
They can be present at birth or acquired throughout life, but most occur by the age of 20, increasing throughout childhood, peaking in adolescence, and waning in older adulthood. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin in various sizes and shapes.
They are made up of melanocytes, skin cells that produce melanin (dark pigment). Moles typically evolve and grow as we do. They generally begin as flat brown spots, similar to a freckle, that, over time, may grow larger, become elevated, and grow hairs. Certain types of moles carry a risk for developing malignant melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer. Sunburns, particularly in childhood, can increase the risk.

ABCDE Method for Self-Checking
North Idaho Dermatology providers utilize the “ABCDE” method for patients to self-check their moles.
A stands for Asymmetry; look for any mole or mark where one half doesn’t match the other half. B stands for Border; look for edges that are ragged, notched or blurred. C stands for Color; watch for pigmentation that’s not uniform, look for different shades of tan, brown or black, as well as for dashes of red, white, and blue. D stands for Diameter; look out for any mole or marking greater than six millimeters in width (about the size of a pencil eraser). E stands for Evolving; a mole or skin lesion that looks like it’s changing over time.
If any of these warning signs appear, or if you experience sudden growth, mole or skin discoloration – schedule an appointment to see one of the providers at North Idaho Dermatology right away.