Psoriasis Treatment
Find out more about psoriasis, and what the professionals at North Idaho Dermatology can do to help you with treatment of this condition.

What is Psoriasis?
The Psoriasis skin disease can be a very painful and chronic skin disease. Psoriasis is characterized by thick and red areas of the skin. These plaques, as they are commonly referred to, most commonly occur on the scalp, knees and elbows, but can occur on any part of the body.
Psoriasis can begin at any age, from infancy through the golden years. However, most people first see psoriasis between 15 and 30 years of age. About 75% develop psoriasis before they turn 40. Another common time for psoriasis to begin is between 50 and 60 years of age.
Psoriasis can be localized to small parts of the body or can cover large areas. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, one in 50 people worldwide have some form of the psoriasis skin disease.
For some people, psoriasis is a nuisance. Others find that psoriasis affects every aspect of their daily life. It’s an unpredictable, chronic medical condition. And while some people have frequent flare-ups that occur weekly or monthly, others only flare up occasionally.

How is Psoriasis Treated?
It’s not a curable disease, but there are many treatments available to keep the disease manageable, including topical and systemic medicines and UV treatments. Some forms of psoriasis can lead to painful joint conditions.
North Idaho Dermatology will help you take an active role in managing psoriasis. We’ll help you get educated about your condition, our specialists will provide appropriate treatment options, and help you develop a healthy lifestyle.